Communication is key in keeping families and staff focused on the core business of student learning.

At Trinity Gardens School communication with our community is via the following methods:


Teaching staff use the Seesaw app to communicate with class families. Teachers will provide the link to the class account at the beginning of the year. For further information please see the Seesaw family assistance here.


All communication to our school community will be via EdSmart. This is an email system that allows contact to multiple groups or classes across the school in order to advise regarding whole-school or class related information. You will also receive the link to the Sway app newsletter in even weeks and the link to the YouTube video ‘This fortnight at Trinity’ in odd weeks via this method. Incursion and excursion paperwork, consent and payment information is also delivered to your email address using the Edsmart application and this will arrive in your inbox as a ‘Slip’.


The email address for contacting the school is [email protected]
Your child’s teacher will also provide you with their work email address.

Facebook and Instagram

The following Facebook pages are currently active:
Trinity Gardens School – Mainstream & Steiner Stream
Trinity Gardens School Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

The following Instagram page is currently active: